Also, on a completely separate note I was reading the Seattle Times online yesterday and saw this article about paper or plastic. Apparently our mayor is pushing for customers to be charged a 20-cent "green fee" per bag used at the checkout line in grocery stores, etc. I get why they are doing that but it seems rather odd that we are basically being forced to be "green."
I was talking to Regina and we both were saying we have the reusable bags but constantly forget them at home. Plus we both reuse those plastic bags for our lunches, to line the trash can, to hold yucky kitty litter, for carrying our wet swimsuits home, etc... I then mentioned that I guess I will just have to try and start now so I'll be in the habit when this happens Jan 1, 2009. Thankfully, 20-cents isn't that much money b/c I know I'll end up forgetting sometimes. What are you thoughts on the matter?

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