I can't think of a time I ever went shopping on Black Friday... I don't mind lines so much but the getting up and shopping at 3am isn't something I would be excited for.

My black Friday, sofar, has consisted of sleeping in till about 9am and then heading out for a coffee and doughnut run. I layed around for about an hour after getting up but after seeing all my Facebook friends talking about their Black Friday deals I decided to start shopping online to see if I could score any.
Amazon.com was my first stop and I am proud to say I scored a Real Simple 1yr subscription magazine for $5 (for me), The newest James Bond DVD for $5.49 (for the hubby, shhhh!) and Back to the Future the Trilogy for under $11 (for both of us). (I also bought my dad something but he reads this blog so I won't be sharing that info!) I will continue to search the internet to see what other deals I can find...
I am really curious to know why people do go wait in the long lines at ungodly hours... Are the discounts really that great? Are they selling iPhones for $20? What amazing deals am I missing by staying in bed? Please share your bargains, I really want to know!
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