Monday, October 6, 2008

I Fell off the Planet...

Sorry, I was sick for a few days and feel like I fell off the planet as I'm backlogged on email and UFN stuff...

After two days of staying in bed I just HAD to escape. So, Regina, Melissa and I went to the Ballard Boutique Warehouse Sale. I can't say I was super impressed by some of the clothing. Clutch had some really nice handbags, Kimberly Baker had some adorable jewelry and several boutiques had some great jeans available (and reasonably priced!). (I refrained from spending money on items I didn't need just now.) There were several men's items but since I wasn't shopping for hubby I can't report on what they had. The men there seemed to be doing just fine with their purchases though. From what I heard, there was a mad rush in the morning so maybe next time we should go earlier!

The rest of my weekend was pretty low key and not shopping related. I did hit up the "All Tharp" ballet performance on Sunday at PNB. That was great! Sadly, I did miss I Heart Rummage though. Now I have to wait another month - sad!

On another note, a random yet fun one, some of you may remember me talking about Joss Whedon's Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog with Neil Patrick Harris... (If you liked Buffy or Firefly then you'll love this!) Well a co-worker of mine has created one of his own video application to get into the League of Evil. It's really funny!

Best of luck to you Jay! ;)

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